Create Your Legacy
Perform an Encore, and keep the music playing! Marin Symphony has provided great music continuously since 1952, watching generations grow from Marin Symphony Youth Orchestra students to Masterworks patrons to Encore Society members. Be part of this cycle and perpetuate the value of live classical music for years to come and create a meaningful legacy gift to Marin Symphony. Consult your financial advisor or estate attorney to discuss how you can plan.
As an Encore Society member, you are invited to join your peers, and Marin Symphony board and staff at our annual Encore luncheon!
To learn more about planned giving options, contact
Nuri Kye, Director of Development, 415.479.8100,

Marin Symphony applauds the members of the Encore Society
and their gifts of lasting importance:
Kenneth & Barbara* Adams
Hans J. Adler & Wanda Headrick
Ara Apkarian
Lou* & Marge Bartolini
Frank & Lee* Battat
Robert & Patricia Bilger*
Jack Bissinger* & Robert Max Klein*
James & Caroline Boitano
Steven & Ann Borden
E. Joseph & Jo Ann Bowler
Jack & Ute Brandon
Richard Bricker* & Emily Hanna Johnson*
Robert & Elza Burton*
William & Lynn Callender
Karen Carmody
Paul & Paula Cooper
Dr. Robert K. & Judith D. Creasy
Christina Dewey*
Vernon & Elke Neumann Dwelly
Kenneth Edlin*
Helga Epstein*
George Fernbacher*
Thomas & Julianna Foris
Barbara & Bill* Friede
Abe & Suzanne Froman
Geraldine Gains
Mary M. Griffin-Jones*
Alf* & Ruth Heller
Susan Hedge Hossfeld*
David* & Sandra Hoyer
Grace Hughes
Robert & Mary Ellen Irwin*
Robert* & Edith Kane
Carole Klein
Carrie Pace Koch
Nancy Kohlenstein*
Herbert* & Barbara Graham Kreissler
Lucinda Lee
Barbara Brown Leibert*
William Lockett
Frankie Longfellow*
Steven & Susan Machtinger
Marian Marsh
Alice & Tom May*
Charles Meacham*
Vivienne E. Miller*
Gloria Miner*
Theodore A. Montgomery*
Larry & Betty Mulryan
Catherine Munson*
Gloria Marie Northrup
David Poff
Jane T. Richards*
Yvonne Roth*
Renee Rymer
Nancy E. Schlegel
Herb Schuyten*
Madeleine Sloane
Anne* & Ellis Stephens
Charles* & Patricia C. Swensen
Wilbur & Jacqueline Tapscott*
Bruce C. Taylor* & Lynn O’Malley Taylor
Peter L.H. & Kathryn Thompson
Sylvia F. Thompson*
Audrey S. Tytus*
Connie Vandament
Rona Weintraub
Judith Walker Weissman
Dr. Frances L. White & Harley White, Sr.
Maynard* & Helen Willms
Louise Yahnian
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Ziring